Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Viewtiful Joe and Dormammu in Marvel Vs. Capcom 3

It's hard to process all of the latest and greatest coming out of GamesCom in Germany, but here's a healthy dose of news for all you fighting game fans! Capcom's Viewtiful Joe and Marvel's Dormammu have joined the Marvel vs. Capcom 3 roster.

Viewtiful Joe was a stellar brawler title released in 2003 praised for its unique art style and whimsical world of whoop ass. Using film-style techniques like slow motion and fast forwarding, Joe put impressive amount of hurt on his foes. Joe's had a few more outings since then, but his first seems to be nearest and dearest to gamers' hearts.

Dormammu on the other hand is a bit more on the obscure side of the fanboy spectrum. The arch-nemesis of Marvel's Dr. Strange (although very awesome, even Strange isn't exactly a flagship character) Dormammu in an interdimensional being composed of sheer chaotic energy. The only thing that really makes sense regarding his appearance in MvC3 is that well, it's the Marvel dimension colliding with the Capcom dimension, so some interdimensional turbulence should be expected.

Who else would you like to see pop up in Marvel vs. Capcom 3? Let us know in the comments below!


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