Tuesday, June 2, 2009

E3: Nintendo Press Conference - live updates!

1:13PM - It's Over...

1:10PM - Mature title coming from Wii,... METROID OTHER M announced. 2010 release. Worked with Team Ninja, new direction of the game. Deeper into Samus' story.

1:08PM - Dead Space Extraction, from EA... Wii exclusive.

1:06PM - Resident Evil, Darkside chronicles trailer shown

1:02PM - SUPER MARIO GALAXY 2 announced. YOSHI is back and you can ride him!!!!! Trailer shown, game looks great. Snow level looks great... very exciting, i peed a little.

12:58 PM - Wii Vitality Sensor, measures your pulse. Put on your finger and gives a pulse. Purpose to see your inner body's world. Will be used to achieve greater relaxation.

12:50PM - Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks playable for press at E3 (gameplay video obviously to come)

12:50PM - Beginning Summer, automatically upload your photos from DSi to facebook. Even the goofy edited ones.

12:47PM - Wario Ware DIY, design elements from scratch. All controlled by player. Microgame just like Wario Ware: Smooth Moves but you can create content.

12:45PM - DSi "already capturing the power of players." Total sales in America have surpassed 1 million units. Flip Note Studio, a movie maker for DSi, will be available this summer for make and share movies. Mario VS Donkey: Minis March Again, design levels, set traps, and upload your creation via Wi-Fi. Will release as download on DSi Ware June 8th, on Monday!

12:42PM - Nintendo DS to get James Patternson's Women's Murder Club on October 13. COP: The Recruit, coming to DS from Ubisoft. Style Savvy for DS to expand girl gaming.

12:38PM - Franchise comes back to Nintendo, 6 years later...GoldenSun DS

12:35PM - Mario Luigi (RPG3): Bowser's Inside Story, coming to US for DS
12:34PM - Final Fantasy and Kingdom Hearts trailers shown

12:27PM - Wii Sports Resort to include, archery, basketball and skydiving

12:18PM - Reggie Fils-Aime takes the stage...Wii Motion Plus discussed.

12:14PM - Wii Fit Plus announced, sequel to original. More games, etc. 15 new balance games, juggling, skateboarding, perfect 10 which uses your hips to hit number combinations balls. New game has you running and jumping like Mario. Arrives this fall with balance board and without.

12:09PM- 4 player co-op available...launches this holiday season

12:08PM - NEW SUPER MARIO BROS. for Wii announced....

12:06PM - promises innovation and big surprises, you never thought would happen...

12:05PM - Cammie Dunaway takes the stage.

12:05PM - LIVE

11:58AM - 2 minutes.... calm before the storm

11:33AM - Nintendo press conference... 30 mins away

8:47 AM - E3 awesomeness continues as Nintendo gears up to take the stage in about 3 hours, at 9am Pacific/12 noon Eastern, today. Of course we'll be updating throughout the show!

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