Saturday, July 4, 2009

Icarian: Kindred Spirits says goodbye, NyxQuest: Kindred Spirits says hello

Unfortunately, the upcoming Wii Ware title that resembles a Kid Icarus style 2-D side scroller, Icarian: Kindred Spirits, has to undergo a name change. Here's what Over The Top Games' official Twitter had to say:

"IMPORTANT INFO: We had to change the name of Icarian :( The new name is NyxQuest: Kindred Spirits. It is only a name change. More info soon."

Such a shame. Honestly, the appeal for me was that this might be the only Icarus-like game for the foreseeable future. And NyxQuest sounds more like a prescription drug company. The company continued, "
Thanks to Nintendo for all the support they are giving to us and our game. This has NOTHING to do with Kid Icarus."

The game, which is already out in Europe, will also receive a name change.

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