Saturday, September 18, 2010

Tokyo Game Show 2010 brings big gaming announcements

This year's Tokyo Game Show is wrapping up, but the convention brought with it quite a bit of mega-sized video game news. Here's a run down of the big announcements:

-Capcom announces Devil May Cry reboot, simply dubbed DmC.
-Team Ninja announces Ninja Gaiden 3, as well as Ni-Oh.
 -EA shows off new horror action title Shadows of the Damned.
-Dead Rising: Case West announces as Xbox 360 exclusive epilogue.
-EA displays new My Garden video game for the Nintendo 3DS.
-Steel Battalion coming to Xbox 360 as a Kinect shooter.
-Grasshopper Manufacture readying bloody action title "Codename D" for Kinect

Are you excited about any of these big announcements?

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