Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Getting an error code with Guitar Hero 5 on Wii?

You aren't alone. Although many-a-Wii owner were excited to boost up the Guitar Hero 5 Music Store to download some tracks, they would all likely be greeted with error code 204015. What's that mean? Well, Activision has stated that the DLC store won't be up and running on Wii until Thursday. Patience will have to get you through the next two days!


Anonymous said...

yeah well its now sunday and its not working.

Anonymous said...

It's the following thursday and it's still not working

Anonymous said...

This is an absolute joke. The whole point of the Guitar Hero games is to add extra downloadable tracks, and this simply doesn't work!
It's not like the standard track listing is particularly strong on it's own. Thank god there's Muse and Nirvana tracks to keep me busy.

thirdeye said...

nice to see crapavision blaming nintendo for being lame!