Wednesday, September 16, 2009

PS3 adds pizza ordering option

The future is finally here. An optional PS3 update will not only fix some bugs, it will add some flavor! Sony has now added the ability to order a Papa John's pizza with the touch of a button on your controller.

You'll find the new feature on the browser's main page, where a Papa John's button is found around the YouTube links. Or rather, it's the button that makes your mouth salivate.

Aside from the overuse of garlic that seeps through your pores after a slice of their pizza, it is great to know that my dream of a world without human communication is upon us.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i would much rather have backwards compatibility with ps2 games than a hot, sultry pizza, piping-hot fresh, delivered in 15 minutes flat- guaranteed or my money back with my choice of toppings however the way i want it. add a two liter bottle of diet pepsi and you have yourself a nice finger-lickin-good piece of coronary pie. is it delivery? or is it just my pants...both. ooooh yeah....daddy needs his medicine.