Saturday, June 27, 2009

Club Nintendo status resets in 3 days!

Don't forget folks... your Club Nintendo platinum or gold status will reset on June 30th. Don't worry though. All this means is that if you reached either of these status levels, you'll be eligible to receive a free gift from Nintendo. Really, all you need to know is that if you are close to achieving the gold or platinum status, make sure you rake in those coins within the next 3 days.

And don't feel like you have to spend all your coins! Your coins won't go anywhere, the only thing that will change is your status. So for the next Club Nintendo year, you may start out with your coinage amount from the previous year, but you'll need an additional 300 (Gold) or 600 (Platinum) to reach those status benchmarks.

So if you are on the fence of reaching one of these benchmarks, time is ticking!

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