Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Body of King Koopa's Ancestors Discovered

See that picture? That is none other than the skeleton of a new meiolaniid species, Stupendemys. Its shell was ELEVEN feet long and SEVEN feet wide. Combining its fortress like body with its clubbed tail and horned head, gamers can only assume one thing...

The Koopas were real.

The Kappa has some similar features, but it's a water spirit which conflicts with the fire nature of the Koopas.

Cryptozoologists/dorks believe that Bowser and the rest of the Koopa family were originally modeled after Kappas of Japanese folklore. However, the much more reasonable world of science gives us all the evidence we need to conclude that eleven foot turtles existed alongside humans as recently as 3,000 years ago.

Their ability to throw hammers and breathe fire is still under skeptic debate.

Artist rendition of a "real" Bowser.

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