Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Capcom USA/Europe's New President

Video game developer and publisher Capcom has an outstanding legacy in gaming's history. These are the people behind series like MegaMan, Street Fighter, and Devil May Cry (just to name a few). In hopes of continuing their legacy of greatness, Capcom has elected Kazuhiko Abe as president of their USA and European divisions.

Abe joined the Capcom family in 2003 as their General Manager of Management Planning and was promoted to Chief Financial Officer (CFO) for Capcom Japan in 2006. As President of Capcom USA and Capcom Europe, Abe will be responsible for overseeing operations between the two offices to ensure efficient international operations.

“Abe-san has proven to be an invaluable asset to Capcom,” said Kenzo Tsujimoto, chairman and chief executive officer of Capcom Co., Ltd. “His experience of over seven years with Capcom can only benefit the operations in North America and Europe and strengthen the relationships between the Japanese and Pan-Western territories.”

In video game land Capcom is kind of a big deal and for them to have so much faith in Abe is, well, a big deal. So here's to hoping Abe can bring Capcom to the top of their game!


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