Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Final Fantasy XIII or Godzilla?

Square Enix has been hinting at a US Final Fantasy XIII release in "April 2010 or later" with a lot of people betting their money on the "much, MUCH later."
However, some giant size advertisements for FFXIII have cropped up in Los Angeles touting a definitive 2010 release for the title.

The original pictures and announcement come from the Square Enix Members page which had the following to say:  "With E3 right around the corner, it's pedal-to-the-metal mode for us here at Square Enix, which means very late nights (or early mornings, depending on how you see it) and more fast food than you can imagine.  There are some big things planned for you, so we're all excited about this year's E3."

With that quote out in the open I feel somewhat comfortable saying stay tuned for some hefty Final Fantasy XIII announcements at this year's E3.

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