Friday, May 29, 2009

Trauma Team Operates on Wii

If you enjoyed Atlus's stylized surgery sims, Trauma Center: Second Opinion and Trauma Center: New Blood, then brace yourself for Trauma Team.

Like the Center titles, Trauma Team puts players in the role of different surgeons who are faced with some very extreme medical situations.  While Center character's like Derek Stiles and Naomi Weaver were surgeons of a general nature, Trauma Team has players controlling a team of six specialized doctors.

The different surgeons include:

Gabriel Cunningham:  Examines patients using a stethoscope and other tools to figure out what's causing their symptoms.

Prisoner CR-SO1:  A surgical prodigy sentenced to 250 years in cryogenic prison.  He offers his surgical prowess in exchange for a diminished sentence.  The Prisoner character will be a more traditional Trauma Center style character, performing various operations on sick and injured patients.

Maria Toress:  An on-site paramedic doctor, Maria's scenarios have you performing advanced first aid to multiple victims at disaster scenes.

Hank Freebird:  A hotshot cosmetic surgeon who uses very intricate equipment to perform operations such as hip surgeries.  Oh, and his name is awesome.

Tomoe Tachibana:  A quiet Japanese girl with a white doctor's coat over her traditional kimono.  She specializes in endoscopic surgeries using tiny cameras to navigate the human body.

Naomi Kimishima:  A returning character from the Trauma Center titles (where she was a supporting cast member).  She is now a CSI-style forensic specialist who reconstructs crime scene evidence.  Supposedly her segments will play like more traditional adventure games.

Other than a wider, more specialized cast, Trauma Team is also said to include co-op surgeries (introduced in New Blood) and hospital drama that will make Grey's Anatomy look like a game of Operation.  I'm still praying for online co-op, a feature that hasn't effectively been used on my Wii since Mario Kart.  Hopefully we'll hear a lot more at E3.

Source: 1up

Note: All of this information is based on 1up's Japanese to English translation of Atlus's announcements in Famitsu Magazine.

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