Friday, May 22, 2009

Metroid Prime Trilogy Coming to Wii

Japanese gamers have had access to New Play Control versions of Metroid Prime for a while now, but the Retro Studios love is finally coming stateside. Nintendo of America just announced that the Metroid Prime Trilogy is coming to Wii complete with Wii based controls.

While Metroid Prime 3: Corruption was a successful Wii title, Primes 1 and 2 were GameCube entries that are absolutely ripe for the Wii treatment.  The Wii-release of the trilogy sees the Corruption controls through each title, complete with the achievement-esque objectives of the third entry.

Best of all is that the entire Metroid Prime Trilogy will be on ONE DISC for $49.99.  You can get behind Samus' reinvigorated wheel on August 24th.  Thank you Retro and Nintendo!  

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