Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Nyko Wand now in stores

Those ready for another motion control option for Wii will be glad to know that the Nyko Wand is now available to purchase. The controller is set to win you over, by claiming to replicate and even improve upon the Wii Remote in almost every way.

The full motion-sensing capability, pointer functionality, vibration feedback, and built-in speaker you know and love will all be featured. But to set the controller apart, Nyko has improved upon the original, spacing out some of the buttons for an easier to control feel. Also making some of the buttons larger, which will definitely help for virtual console titles that require constant use of the 1 and 2 buttons. Also a easy grip surface covers the battery pack, something that fans of Nyko's Wii Remote chargers truly appreciate. The controller also fits all attachments, including Nyko's own pistol casing.

The Wand is available for $34.95, a nice $15 discount to the Wii Remote. Despite having to get accustomed to the uber funky design of the controller's D-pad, this might just be worth picking up.

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