Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Prince of Persia Movie: Jake Gyllenhall Pics

At first I didn't know if these pictures were from the Prince of Persia movie or if Google Earth had seriously upped its game. Admittedly, this is how I picture Mr. Gyllenhaal lounging around his home, but it appears the former is true.

These developments beg the question, will Prince of Persia be the video game movie to legitimize the gap between mediums? Or at least make a watchable movie?

Well, hot off a rant about Capcom's latest Street Fighter "film" I feel obliged to offer my thoughts on the Prince of Persia movie and honestly, I'm cautiously optimistic. For starters, Pirates of the Caribbean foundations, Jerry Bruckheimer and Disney, are in cahoots for this project. Which means that at least we'll get an entertaining summer popcorn flick with a high chance of frachisability (not a real word).

Other than that, there just isn't enough info to draw on at this point. Besides the fact that the Prince of Persia movie is filled with manly men, beefcakes, man candy, etc.

Source: The Huffington Post (a real publication)

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