Friday, March 13, 2009

RE5 Midnight Release Coverage Extraordinaire

On this fine Friday the 13th, Capcom's Resident Evil 5 is at long last available to the consumer. While most electronics stores will be opening their doors around 9 to 10 AM, midnight releases across the country are taking place for devout fans who literally (physically) can not wait 10 more hours to make some zombie heads splode.

Controllers and headsets are charged, family members have been warned, and employers will be contacted in about eight hours with all manner of excuses. It's game time America!

Even in little ol' Monroe, Louisiana, the local GameStop is opening its doors for pasty skinned patrons (myself included).

If you didn't have the chance to hit up a midnight release, enjoy the pictures and imagine all the witty banter you missed out on... the economy, Bungie's departure from Halo, pirates vs. ninjas, the list goes on.

Throw in free Sour Patch Kids plus the overwhelming smell of blood (ketchup) and it was a night to remember.

Midnight releases (for games, movies, or Harry Potter books) are a lot of fun, especially for busy gamers who don't get to nerd out that often. So nerd out I did (as evidenced by me, RE5, and zombie bunny below). But now that the festivities are over, it's time to see how Resident Evil's latest entry stacks up.

Check back in the next 48 hours for a complete OLG review of Resident Evil 5.

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