Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Silent Hill Rumors Veer Toward Fact

Many quiet whispers have taken place recently regarding UK developer Climax and the Silent Hill franchise. With 2009 being the ten year anniversary for the original SH, rumors are a dime a dozen. So let's take a gander at what we have and try to separate a little fact from fiction.

VG247 claims to have inside info suggesting Climax is busy at work on a remake of the original Silent Hill for PSP and Wii. Providing a little more tangibility than mere heresay, the British Board of Film Classification (BBFC) has recently labeled a 15 (age) restriction of scenes for a Silent Hill game. Even more specifically, the scenes reviewed include titles like "ANKH ROOM" and "CYBIL'S DEATH".

So where does this leave the Silent Hill fan? Well, there certainly is the possibility that a remake could seen be delivered on the PSP and/or Wii, but there's also the very likely scenario of Silent Hill gearing up for release on the PSN.

Regardless of what outlet this Silent Hill treat takes, make sure you have a sturdy pipe in hand when the air raid siren sounds.

Source: Joystiq

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