Monday, April 20, 2009

Are Battletoads Ready for a Return?

While cruising around Game Videos, I came across this priceless gem:

Terrible cartoons aside, Battletoads for the NES (or Genesis if you swing that way) represents some incredibly challenging old school gaming.  I was also a fan of Battletoads in Battlemaniacs for the SNES.

While any type of 3D realization of Battletoads is a terrible idea in my opinion, I think a remake in the vein of Mega Man 9, or better yet Maverick Hunter X (with its original Mega Man X core mechanics and a bit o' polish) would be any retro gamer's dream come true.  WiiWare, PSN, XBLA... you give me a 2D Battletoads experience and I'm there.

But don't let this nerd do all the soap boxing, how do you feel about a Battletoads revival?

To make Battletoads four player friendly Rash, Zitz, and Pimple could be joined by their cousin Herp.

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