Friday, April 10, 2009

GameStop Re-selling Used Games as New?

GameStop could be in some hot water after recently allegations were made that the company sells "used" games as new. GameStop employees are allowed to play games for a few days as a complementary trial program the company established. The only problem is that these games are then resold to the public, but deemed as "new."

"We do not comment on corporate policies that are competitive in nature," said Chris Olivera, VP of Corporate Communications. "As your questions relate to company training, operations and discounting practices, I would not be able to provide feedback."

Gaming site Kotaku contacted the Federal Trade Commission, to inquire about GameStops practices. As of now, they can not confirm or deny that any investigation is underway.

As a customer of GameStop, I've received "new" titles that were not in plastic. I always thought that was weird but never questioned it. I wonder now how many of my titles are actually new?

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