Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Wii MotionPlus Over Sensitive? Nah!

An article by Yahoo! points out to the common man good and the bad of having a Wii Remote attachment that enhances movement responsiveness. Referencing an interview with TechRadar, game producer Thomas Singleton shared his experience while using the device on the upcoming Grand Slam Tennis game.

"It truly is giving you that one-to-one control movement of your arm motion and then mapping it directly to that one-to-one movement of your character on screen."

Yahoo! points out that some gamers might not want that responsiveness, as who would want to have their true tennis ability matched against the likes of Roger Federer.

Regardless, I'm sure we all realized the coolness factor integrated into Wii MotionPlus. It turns crap games like virtual frsbee throwing and makes them actually fun. Any peripheral that can do that is a welcome addition.

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