Thursday, April 2, 2009

Silent Hill Gets Reimagined on Wii

Rumors of an original Silent Hill Wii-make have been making their rounds on the interwebs, but Nintendo Power is giving fans something a little more tangible. In their latest issue, Nintendo Power sits down with producer Tom Huett to discuss Silent Hill: Shattered Memories. “This is a reimagining of the first Silent Hill,” Hulett explains. “It’s not a remake or a port. That’s an important distinction. It really feels like a new game.”

When asked about changes to the original Silent Hill story, Hulett offered some insight. “The characters play different roles, things don’t necessarily happen in the same order, and the story is taken in lots of new directions," Hulett said. "You still play as Harry Mason, you’re still looking for your daughter, and you’ll see familiar elements, but they’re all twisted to betray your expectations.”

Hulett also hinted at changes to Silent Hill's critically acclaimed atmosphere: “One of Shattered Memories’ most significant and intriguing additions—your answers actually affect how the game unfolds. And it doesn’t end there. the game “watches” you constantly, and your behavior throughout can determine when you’ll meet certain characters, which scenes you’ll witness, and a variety of other factors. In Silent Hill games, the town always gets inside the protagonist’s head, but now it’s getting inside YOUR head.”

With Shattered Memories being a Wii title, Wii remote function was also part of the discussion. “We’re using the Wii Remote to interact directly with the environment, so the puzzles are all based around that idea,” says Hulett. “You’re not just hitting buttons to choose things.” He also notes that the solution to a puzzle is always in the immediate vicinity, and assures us there’s a lot less backtracking than in previous games.”

In closing, Hulett noted, “Longtime fans of the series will also be delighted to learn that there’s a way through every locked door; no more checking dozens of entrances only to find that 90% of them are permanently barred shut.”

Shattered Memories sounds like an interesting project, but it will take a near perfect execution to please the rabid Silent Hill fanbase. Here's to hoping!

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