Friday, February 13, 2009

PSPs: People Do Own Them

Hats off to you Sony. Since the PSP's Japanese 2004 launch, Sony's first handheld outing has sold 50 million units worldwide.

Not too shabby. Dwarfed by the DS yes, but impressive nonetheless.

That being said, there's still a lot of PSP hate out there, even amongst the PSP community. The glacier like speed at which new titles are released is cause for much anger, but the little fella definitely has some plus sides.
I've had the same PSP since its March 2005 release in the US (almost four years now) and have never once had so much as a hiccup from it. Some of the most enjoyable games I've played in the last few years were on the PSP (Patapon, Crisis Core, Valkyrie Profiles, Guitaroo Man Lives, MGS: Portable Ops) and I've even browsed the net a time or two with it. Throw in PS3 connectivity, the PS store and bootlegged roms; there's plenty to knock around with.

So like everything (except pancakes), there are reasons to love and hate(*) the PSP. Regardless, congrats on the 50 mill mark Sony. You're doing it big.

*I don't think anyone could hate pancakes.

Source: Sony

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