Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Red Dead Sequel

I admit I wasn't much of a fan of the original Red Dead Revolver, nor did I care for the more recent Call of Juarez, but there's just something appealing about a video game set in the old west. Someone needs to get it right one of these days, and I'm hoping Rockstar San Diego gets everything right with the upcoming Red Dead Redemption, and open-world horse and six shooter adventure for the Xbox 360 and PS3.

The fact that it's open world is enough to get me jazzed. Sure, jacking an unsuspecting stallion and speeding between hitchin' posts may not sound as exciting as, say, jacking a military helicopter and blowing a pedestrian's head off with a homing missile, but you've probably just never met the right hitchin' post.

The only cause for concern here is that Rockstar San Diego aren't really known for their amazing games (Table Tennis, anyone?). But they're working from the same graphics engine that powered the ragdoll mayhem of Grand Theft Auto IV, so at the very least the game will look and feel pretty.

But if it's at least as good as Sunset Riders, I'm there. We'll find out this fall.

Source: GamePro

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