Tuesday, August 18, 2009

LittleBigPlanet getting water as add-on

truly has everything packed into it; a great cast of characters in a world full of fun and imagination. The only thing missing is, water.

Well, Media Molecule is going to fix that with a new add-on that promises to quench your needs!
Watch the above trailer for more information.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

It's a sad day when games like this are helping drive the PS3. Sony is in dire need of games with actual content rather than stuff like this and the boring one dimensional games on the playstation network.

So far I've played 3 games on the PS3 that I've genuinely enjoyed; Fallout 3 (which we PS3 owners cant even get the add-ons), F1 Championship Edition and Valkyria Chronicles. Two of those games are proprietary. Honestly, I cant wait till Heavy Rain comes out, because I'm getting tired of seeing endless uninspired games come out every Tuesday.