Saturday, August 29, 2009

New modes and characters for TMNT Smash Up announced

According to the Amazon listing for TMNT: Smash Up, the "Ninja Turtle Rabbid" is listed as a playable character. This sounds different from the original Raving Rabbid and the Splinter Cell Rabbids shown previously, making that three Rabbids.

It seems that they might have swapped the original rabbid for the Ninja Turtle version, as Amazon is offering the original Rabbid as a special pre-order only character (as seen above). I'm not sure how I feel about the Rabbids cutting in on the Turtle franchise fun. It seems more like a Ubisoft fighting game than a TMNT fighting game.

Here is the listing for preorder bonuses you'll get when you buy the game from Amazon:

Pre-order Bonus: Exclusive "Smash Up" Unlocks
Unlock an exclusive Technodrome mode and Rabbid character with your pre-order. A code to unlock the extras will be sent no more than 10 business days after the game releases. Must be sold and shipped by Does not apply to products sold by third-party or marketplace sellers. We reserve the right to discontinue this promotion at any time.

Technodrome mode sounds amazing! The game releases September 15th.

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