Thursday, August 13, 2009

SEGA Dreamcast: 10 Years of Gaming

Many-a-gamer remembers the day 9.9.99, for it was the North American release of the SEGA Dreamcast. The gaming system was considered a huge success and a huge failure, ultimately facing a quick demise due to poor supply, increased competition and lack of continued software support. Regardless, the Dreamcast did have its successes and should be celebrated.

10 years after launch, developers and gamers likely would admit that the public is better off without a fourth console in the next-gen battle. SEGA's failure in the console market has also allowed its coveted character lineup to become mainstream figures across all next-gen consoles, even paving the way for Sonic to join one-time rival Mario in various Nintendo software titles. Additionally, the innovation of including a 56K modem, web browser and unique controller design have all helped to expand the original mindset of what a console should be.

So today and until the 10 year anniversary this September, let us celebrate the SEGA Dreamcast. 10 years have passed, and your rivals have prevailed, but the Dreamcast should be applauded for its various contributions to the gaming industry. Now excuse me while I go play Power Stone 2.

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