Thursday, February 19, 2009

Capcom Mystery

Capcom has announced that they will be announcing a new game next week via a trailer exclusively available on the Xbox Live Marketplace. No word yet on what this game might be or whether this non-announcement announcement sets a new standard of ridiculousness for public relations. But we can be reasonably sure that this will be an Xbox 360 exclusive, since announcing it on the Live Marketplace would be weird and cruel otherwise.

So, gentlepeople, it's time to start your speculation engines. And by "speculation", I mean "rampant rumor mongering". Here, I'll go first.

I heard that this is going to be an HD sequel to the classic NES and arcade platformer Strider. Think about it! In the original, a sword-swinging Strider Hiryu is tasked by the Strider vice-director with assassinating his best friend, Strider Kain. Is there a more potent metaphor for our current global economic crisis?

Maybe, but I'll bet you it isn't as Strideriffic.

Source: IGN

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