Thursday, February 26, 2009

MadWorld Slashing on 360?

It's pretty unbelievable that such a stylishly inventive and unrelentingly violent game as MadWorld will be a Wii exclusive. And by that I mean that many people just don't believe it.

After the Australian game ratings board listed MadWorld as a "multi-platform" title, speculation starting speculating all over the place that the game will enjoy the company of someone other than the Wii. And now a behind the scenes video tour of developer Platinum Games' office reveals an Xbox 360 dev kit near MadWorld's lead animator's workstation.

Publisher Sega claims the black and white bloodfest is still a Wii-exclusive, so WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS MACHINERY??

They could be working on an HD MadWorld port, or they could just be a game studio that has made games for other systems before and plans to in the future. Either of these scenarios is likely, but I'm thinking one may be likelier.

Still, MadWorld wouldn't be the first "exclusive" to later find a home on another system as well. (Final Fantasy XIII, you harlot!) If the stick waggling casual crowd doesn't connect with MadWorld, it's a safe bet to assume it'll be ported over to another console that's a little more gore-friendly.

Source: Xboxist

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