Monday, February 16, 2009

EarthBound to Never Hit VC?

According to, EarthBound has yet to the hit the Wii's vitual console because of some legal issues. Apparently the game has so many references to pop culture, that the Nintendo of America lawyers are very uncomfortable with the idea of re-releasing it. Nintendo of Japan has no interest in changing any of the content from the game, so EarthBound fans will have to keep on waiting.

The website also claims that despite the ESRB rating EarthBound a few months back, in actuality that was just a mistake.

One of these days, I'm confident that we'll see EarthBound, GoldenEye 64, and every game held up in legal hell, eventually get the proper re-releases they deserve. Until then, we'll have to sit and wait, or dust off our old copies.

Source: Starmen

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