Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Console Wars: Episode XXXIX - Attack of the Longevity

Both of the HD console makers, Sony and Microsoft, sort of ignore the Wii. For one thing, they don't see it as a competitor because it's more of a family friendly platform with a different audience in mind. For another, they don't see it as a competitor because there are 78,000,000 Wiis sold for every Xbox 360 or PS3.

But just because they don't waste their time trash talking the house that Mario built, that doesn't mean they're mature enough to not swing girlish slaps at one another whenever they get the chance. The latest volley comes from Kazuo Hirai, Chief Operating Officer of Sony Computer Entertainment (COOoSCE), in an interview with the Official PlayStation Magazine. The Kaz has a few choice words about Microsoft's long-term goals.

"Last time I checked, they've never had a console that's been on the market for more than four or five years and we've committed to a ten year life cycle [for the PS3], so you do the math," he said.

Well, I've done the math on my calculator watch, and the Kaz is right. Of course, the word "never" implies some sort of pattern, whereas Microsoft has only ever had one console on the market before the 360. For the record, the official Microsoft position is that they'll stick with the 360 as long as the PS3 is selling.

Anyway, I hear Microsoft's CEO said something terrible about Sony's CEO's mom, so I'm sure we haven't heard the last out of these childish buffoons.

Source: Team Xbox

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