Monday, January 26, 2009

New Weapons for Golemizer

Let's just get this out of the way first. No, you probably haven't heard of Golemizer. To catch up, Golemizer is a free browser-based steampunk MMORPG created by indie game developer Dave Toulouse. It's a 2D affair where you play a mad scientist who crafts his own golems--basically robotic pets that you can command. Like any MMORPG, there's plenty of customizable content, with a pretty extensive crafting system for houses, weapons, and other items. And for those of you needing a social group that doesn't include all that pesky human-to-human eye contact, there are also guilds.

I'm all for 2D MMOs, if only because they're something else to do at work besides actual work. So why not give Golemizer a shot and report back?

As an added incentive, here's a list of the new weapons available in the game:
  • Junk shotgun (shoots junk)
  • Steam thrower (throws steam)
  • Slime gun (well, you know)
  • Raygun (a mad scientist staple)
  • Time warper (traps your opponents in a temporal stasis while you fiddle with their hair and draw pictures on their faces [I'm assuming])
Go get your MMO on.


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