Exclusive titles on the PS3 are a rare (but increasing) lot that consists of some truly amazing games. MGS4, LBP, Uncharted, and a handful more round off the top tier of PS3's exclusivity list. To add to this growing elite title repertoire, French developer Quantic Dream is throwing their hat into the ring with Heavy Rain for PS3.
Quantic Dream is most well known in the US for its psychological thriller Indigo Prophecy (known as Fahrenheit in the UK). The critically acclaimed Indigo Prophecy is still rumored to be receiving a proper sequel, but Heavy Rain is considered the spiritual successor to the innovative title.
While several games descend into the macabre, Indigo Prophecy received praise for doing it well. Quantic Dream managed to put together a well told narrative with Shenmue-esque quick time events that provided for a truly compelling gaming experience. Players controlled Lucas Kane in a world of conspiracies, murder, insanity and the paranormal. Granted these areas have been fully explored by countless games, but the quality and tension of the narrative is what sets Indigo Prophecy apart.
This praise begs the question, can Heavy Rain keep up with the lofty bar set by its predecessor?
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If the latest tech demos and environments are any indication of Heavy Rain's quality then yes it can.
It's speculated that QD's latest title is going to contain more full body and facial motion capture than any video game title to date. These conjectures are even more believable once you've taken a look at the character models in action. Several tech demos are currently viewable which show off Heavy Rains graphical prowess including things like real time wrinkles and tears on the face. The buck doesn't stop there though as Heavy Rain features full animations for pupil dilation, tongues, eyes, fingers and dynamic hair. Not dynamic as in "Zac Efron dynamic hair," but close.
All these graphics shmaphrics are fine and dandy (glorious would probably be a better term) but who cares if the story isn't up to QD standards? While confirmed details about the game's story are few and far between, Heavy Rain's latest gameplay demo shows some intentionally disturbing themes developing.
The player in the demo is in control of a female character investigating a murderer's house. She breaks in while no one is home and makes some pretty morbid discoveries. The house is filled with female corpses who have been made into displays ala the killer's taxidermist fashion. While the body count is unraveled, a vehicle pulls up letting you know that the deranged mind responsible for such atrocities is home.
From this point the camera breaks into an interactive split screen cinematic. One half of the screen is dedicated to a film like presentation of the killer walking through his house while a second playable window allows you to hide or attempt an escape.
The demo runs through two different scenarios that show off the effects of interacting with the environment. In one version the player hardly touches or moves anything in the house, which allows them to avoid detection by the killer. Another demo shows the resident murderer noticing things have been tampered with and are out of place. This prompts him to explore the house where the player is eventually confronted.
The ensuing cat and mouse chase throughout the house is where the game truly becomes distinct. The game switches from free roaming exploration to a string of rapid QTEs. All the player has to worry about is tapping the right button when prompted which allows the game to display convey a sense of raw intensity that is equal parts fear and adrenaline.
You will see dramatic camera angles, amazingly executed mo-cap feats, and an overall level of panic that is rarely glimpsed in video games. Nice. While Heavy Rain is supposed to stay away from the supernatural themes that were present in Indigo Prophecy, it's good to know that a developer known for its narrative prowess is being matched technically.
If the gameplay and tech demos are any indication of the finished project, Heavy Rain will be a much welcome (and needed) PS3 exclusive. Rest assured that OLG will do its best to cover all the latest and greatest Heavy Rain news until its release later in 2009.
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