Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Indy's Gaming Future Uncertain

LucasArts has been working on a new Indiana Jones game for what seems like a decade. Many thought the title would release around the time Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull debuted. When that time came and went, some thought it would arrive around the DVD release. When that time came and went, people started wondering.

Recent rumors suggested that the development team for the game had been split up and reassigned to other projects. LucasArts provided Joystiq with a statement on the issue:
LucasArts remains absolutely committed to the Indiana Jones franchise. While we are aware that fans have been eagerly awaiting additional information on the upcoming game, they can rest assured that details are forthcoming.

I guess only time will tell. I think the company sounds pretty confident in their love for Indy. Let's just hope that all this waiting will pay off.

Source: Gamespot

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