Friday, January 16, 2009

Sony "Red Rings" Microsoft

While Microsoft has put a sales figure smackdown on Sony for some time now, the Playstation folks finally managed to get a lick in. No, PSP sales haven't gone through the roof, but Sony did bum rush Microsoft at CES' Street Fighter IV event. You hear that? That's the sound of millions of Home users dancing the night away in celebration.

Several teams were represented at the SFIV show but what ensued was a fanboy bragging rights battle for the ages. Sony rep Joe C. and his world warrior of choice Sagat hit the ground running. And when the musty nerd dust settled, it was Sony and Sagat that stood triumphant over Microsoft and E. Honda.

This victory, like Sony's occasional sales peaks, was short lived though. While the fanboys focused on the bloodshed between Sony and Microsoft, a mystery opponent slipped into the tourney ranks. Sony's Joe C. went on to face Capcom's Justin Wong. Needless to say Wong's Chun Li skills were too much for Joe.

Despite Capcom putting a beatdown on Sony not seen since the Wii's release, fanboys will undoubtedly talk of this brawl for years to come. Or at least until the next game for PS3/360 is released.

Justin Wong and Joe C. (Beasts)

Source: Playstation Blog

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