Friday, January 9, 2009

UNO Coming to Quatro Platforms

Everyone's favorite card game UNO will have a multi-console release later this year. Gameloft, the title's publisher, announced that it will debut on the PS3 and PSP, as well as WiiWare and DSi Ware. DSi Ware is the newest wi-fi gaming store that will be included in the new DSi systems, when it launches here in the U.S. this summer.

The iPhone and iPod version of UNO, which is out now, features singleplayer, multiplayer and even has a wi-fi multiplayer mode. All of these presumably will be included in the new console version.

Gameloft also stated that it looks forwards to continuing its relationship with Mattel, the game's creator. Look for UNO to debut later this year.

Source: Euro Gamer

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