Monday, January 26, 2009

Rocking in the Library

Ever since the advent of anything other than reading, it's been tough to get punk kids (by which I mean all kids) to read. Public libraries have tried many things to bring in the under-74 set, including allowing people to check out books free of charge for a certain period time just as long as they promise to bring them back.

Freaky, I know.

But since that hasn't worked, the public libraries in Des Moines, Iowa are trying something new. They've outfitted themselves with some Xbox 360s and Wiis and are luring impressionable youths into their taxpayer funded dens of learning with Rock Band tournaments and the promise of waggling sticks at TV screens (Wii games, in other words).

Of course, this is all just a bait and switch scam, as they then encourage children to put down their plastic guitars and pick up a dusty, sweat-stained stack of glue and paper called a book. Personally, I think this is going to be a tough sell. As much as I'd love for kids to read more, I don't think they'll go for any form of entertainment that doesn't result in finger cramps. Which explains the lasting popularity of thumb wrestling.

Source: Des Moines Register

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