Tuesday, January 27, 2009

More Maw

I downloaded the demo for the new Xbox Live Arcade game The Maw, and I can't say I was very impressed. Basically, The Maw is an homage to the old NES game A Boy and his Blob. You control a crash landed alien who uses a hungry, gape-mouthed blob of goo to traverse through the countryside. When the blob eats enough of a certain kind of creature, it adopts a new power, which works as either a weapon or a tool to get through levels.

It's a straighforward game, and it does a lot of things right. It's a fully 3D platformer, which is a nive change of pace from the usual 2D XBLA releases. And it looks and plays as well as you'd want. It's just dull is all. And for some reason you can't point the camera to the sky, which can be frustrating.

But maybe those problems will be fixed with some downloadable content. Developer Twisted Pixel tells Kotaku that they're working on three new levels to be released as DLC in the coming weeks. They'll figure into the game as "deleted scenes" and will be accessible from the main menu.

Hit the link for more details on what to expect from these new levels while I go play A Boy and His Blob on my NES emulator on a perfectly legal NES and cartridge.

Source: Kotaku

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