Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Mario Power Tennis Trailers

The official Nintendo website of Japan has just released a gameplay trailer for the new Mario Power Tennis remake for Wii. The game is part of a new lineup of Gamecube titles, being remade with Wii controls. The "New Play Control!" titles will also include Pikmin 1 and 2, Donkey Kong Jungle Beat and Metroid Prime 1 and 2.

While I'm excited to see these Gamecube titles get remade with Wii controls, I still can't believe either a new Mario Tennis or Mario Golf game hasn't been made. You would think of all the systems to make them for, Wii would be it. But the Wii timeline is probably far bigger than we think, and maybe they'll start coming post the Wii Motion Plus launch.

Look forward for these titles to hit the US starting this Spring. They'll retail for just $29.99

View Gameplay Trailer Here!

Source: Nintendo Japan

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