Sometimes multiplayer bugs can make for some interesting times online. Once while playing GTA4 in free mode, I phased through a freeway pylon just as someone shot a rocket at me. For a second there, I thought I might be the One, prophesied to bring balance to GTA4 online and thus secure the future for all humanity. But then the guy just walked around the pylon and shot me in the head.
Good times.
Anyway, many of the multiplayer bugs in Gear of War 2 are causing people grief, so Epic has announced that a patch will arrive by the end of the month. In addition to making you less hilariously vulnerable to grenades and chainsaws while respawning, the patch will fix exploits like invisible shields and melee attacking through walls. So you'd better binge on that sort-of-cheating fun while you can.
Source: Eurogamer
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