Thursday, January 8, 2009

Knotholes Coming to Fable II

One of the main criticisms of Fable II (which I will get around to reviewing sometime soon, I promise) is that it's too short. If you plow through the main quest, you can get through the game in a handful of hours (depending on the size of your beefy, manly hands), but I chose to take my time, soak in the scenery, and take a wife or three. That's a recipe for satisfaction. Still, it's good to know some extra real estate will be added to the game as soon as next week with the release of the first bit of Fable II downloadable content.

Knothole Island will not only add a new area full of (I'm assuming) knotholes, but it will also include new clothes, new weapons, new quests, and new potions. It's that last bit I'm most concerned about, since one of the promised elixirs will help your character lose weight. Towards the end of the game, my eyes were a little bigger than my stomach, but now absolutely nothing is bigger than my stomach.

The expansion will run you about $10, but for you cheapskates out there, the release will be simultaneous with a pack of freebie items. Don't say Lionhead Studios never gave you anything. Unless you want to be called a liar.

Source: Eurogamer

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