If you say this is a lame attempt at duplicating the success of LittleBigPlanet... Well, you might be right. But that doesn't mean Microsoft won't punch you in the face. They've confirmed that their visual programming language formerly known as Boku will be released as an Xbox Live Community Games download called Kodu. (Intense focus testing showed that the 18-24 demographic responds very well to games with titles that start with "K" and sound vaguely Japanese.)
Kodu is an intuitive interface that allows anyone with at least the brain capacity of a 12-year-old girl to create his own games. Sort of like LittleBigPla--AAGGHH!! Oh, my nose!
A real-live 12-year-old girl Microsoft somehow roped into demonstrating Kodu for the public summed up her enthusiasm thusly: "I can do cool, silly things in it!" Which kind of sums up my feelings about Saints Row 2, actually. But I doubt Kodu will allow me to go on a murderous rampage while dressed like Ronald McDonald.
Source: Shacknews
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